ACTION REQUIRED: The deadline to be on the list for the next payment is Wednesday, January 29th.
That’s the date you need to focus on to be eligible for your first payment.
Fellow Investor,
Starting on January 29th you can fundamentally transform your income stream from a string of near misses to a steady, reliable flow of income right to your bank account.
And it all starts with a simple to use, yet powerful calendar, like the one below, only with more details. Kind of like the one you might have on your desk, only this one tells you when you’ll get paid and how much you’ll receive each and every month.
No more guesswork, no more confusion, no more worrying if you did the right thing… just steady paychecks coming like clockwork.
With the monthly dividend paycheck calendar, you’ll stop worrying about the market’s ups and downs because they won’t matter anymore.
Your payday is already on the calendar.
In this urgent briefing, I’m going to share with you all of details on how the monthly dividend paycheck calendar works, how easy it is to use for investors of any level, and real life examples of the kinds of paychecks investors are getting right now.
Before I do that however, I’ll take just one minute to tell you who I am and why you should listen to what I have to say.
I’m Tim Plaehn, lead income analyst and editor of The Dividend Hunter.
I launched the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar as part of my Dividend Hunter service over 10 years ago when we were in a near zero interest rate environment.
Many investors - particularly retirement focused investors - who had been told all their lives to put their money in 5% and 6% CDs and live off the interest were finding CDs at those rates no longer existed. Not even close. They were starving for yield and just as importantly, a plan.
In my previous career I’d been an F-16 fighter pilot and instructor in the United States Air Force. I’d also been a stock broker and certified financial planner. In all of those endeavors I was a meticulous planner.
So it seemed natural that I’d develop the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar as part of my then newly launched Dividend Hunter. Now, 10 years later and tens of thousands of subscribers I’m still guiding our plan.
In order to receive your first paycheck on January 31st, you must be a shareholder of record by January 29th. That means you must own the stock before this date.
This date is critical and clearly marked on the monthly dividend paycheck calendar.
The way the calendar is structured you can expect between 11 and 29 paychecks per month. By starting with the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar today, you will have the opportunity to earn a growing cash income stream in perpetuity.
That’s the way the calendar is set up: you’ll have a base of 11 paychecks every month and then in some months you’ll get a bonus paycheck and in others you’ll receive two bonus paychecks all the way up to 29 per month several times a year.
The peace of mind you’ll get from knowing that every month you’re going to get at least 11 paychecks is invaluable.
No more worrying about the market’s gyrations.
No more keeping tabs on how much you’re spending and how much you’re taking in, pinching every penny along the way.
No more worry at the end of the month that you might not be able to pay all of the bills.
The income derived from the monthly dividend paycheck calendar is like getting a bonus every month.
Whether you sock it away for the future, re-invest it, or treat yourself to something nice, it’s your call. After all, it’s your money. And in this letter, I’ll tell you how to get it.
To create the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar I first had to find the very best dividend investments for individual investors.
Sure, some folks out there just chase down the highest yield, buy a bunch of shares, and expect money to just flow into their account. And for some, this works. At least for a while.
But the problem is that solely chasing down yield leaves you exposed. Sadly, there are many companies out there paying eye-popping yields that are just one bad management decision or one market pull-back away from bust. They cut their dividend and the results are calamitous for investors.
You see, the share price of stocks for companies that cut dividends always crashes. And hard.
For example, in August Intel Corp. announced a suspension to its dividend payments amid a cost-cutting program. The share price fell 38% in the seven days following the announcement and has only partially recovered though it still trades at a 26% loss from before the announcement.
Plus, any investors still holding onto shares of Intel are out of luck when it comes to dividends. Ouch!
Or take Walgreens, the big drug store chain. It seems there’s a store on practically every street corner in the U.S. and they should be printing money.
Instead, Walgreens cut its dividend earlier in 2024 with an announcement just after the beginning of the new year. Until then the dividend had been 48 cents per share.
Shareholders had enjoyed well over a decade of modest but consistent dividend increases from Walgreens.
That all changed with the announcement that the next quarterly dividend payment would be a mere 25 cents per share. That’s a 48% overnight haircut for income investors relying on those dividends to help pay bills and fund retirement.
And the share price has continued to tumble during the year, coming into it at over $26 a share and now trading for $9.42 the last time I checked… a 63% drop in price.
Do the mental math… 48% dividend cut and a 63% share price drop, an absolute catastrophe for investors.
Investors, many of them depending on that income for retirement money, watched helplessly as their income was cut by 48% and the principal by 63%.
They were counting on that money.
Imagine for a second how devastated they were. Could your portfolio stand that big of a hit? Could your lifestyle handle an 63% cut?
That’s why it’s important to me that we select the right dividend stocks for the monthly dividend paycheck calendar. And for me the right dividend stocks are those with a history and commitment to increasing their dividend payments.
It’s not enough that a company is paying dividends. Why? Because a company without a history of increasing dividends is 9 times more likely to cut their dividends than a company that has a solid track record of raising dividends.
And you saw from just the few examples above the devastation that just one dividend cut can cause for your portfolio. Imagine a string of them in your portfolio.
Now, I spend the better part of 60 hours a week sorting through the data, the SEC filings, the analyst reports, the company releases and annual reports, listening in on company conferences calls and dialing up management on the phone when I need to… all in an effort to find that core group of consistent dividend raising companies.
Even then most won’t make the cut. But the few that do make it get consideration for the monthly dividend paycheck calendar.
And then I look for a good spread of payment dates so all the paychecks aren’t lumped into a handful of months while the rest of the year has no cash coming in.
I don’t know about you but there’s something reassuring knowing that I’ll collect checks this month and next month and again the following month and so on.
I mean think about it: your bills come every month, right? The mortgage. The electricity bill. The gas bill. The cable bill. The phone bill. So why shouldn’t your dividend income be monthly, too?
Look, everyone’s household budget operates monthly. You get each bill throughout the month and like most of us, pick one day a month to pay all the bills, whether online or via check.
And that’s how your dividend income should be, steady throughout the month.
For example, if you start by January 29th you’ll be in a position to collect your first checks collecting $3,235 by February 28th and continue collecting multiple paychecks every month indefinitely.
Now is a great month to get started with the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar. There are 25 payments in January, followed by 21 in February, a whopping 29 payments in March... And the cycle continues well into the year and beyond.
If you join before Wednesday the 29th you could collect an average of $4,275 but in some months the payouts are much, much more.
The true value to starting with the calendar right now is earning $4,275 on average each month in 2025, 2026, and into 2027 and so on… then watching that number increase year after year. That is, of course, only if you start today with the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar.
Add that up for 12 months and you are looking at over $51,308.26 in extra income for the year.
Imagine that for a second, that’s enough to pay for a new car… in cash, or plan multiple vacations, finally pay off some bills, and more… and still know there are more checks to come.
All of this extra income can be yours only if you start using the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar by January 29th.
Like I said, as long as you own these stocks you’ll have a steady and reliable income stream. The way I’ve constructed the payout dates you’ll receive at least 11 checks each month. And in some months, you’ll get 29 payments or more!
Now is a great time to get started as you could be set to collect an extra $3,235 by February 28th just for following the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar strategy. And, the best part is that this income does not stop after that.
Think about it: that’s $3,235 in extra cash that you didn’t have before deposited into your account in a matter of weeks.
And like I mentioned, in some months it’s even higher, so high that our monthly average is $4,275.
Each and every month, if you join the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar today, you will have the opportunity to collect a growing stream of dividend paychecks just like the ones I detailed above. This level of financial freedom is an opportunity that you should not pass up.
Well, we just talked about how much you can expect over the next several weeks when you get started today and start collecting checks as early as next week. You may bring in more or less depending on how much you choose to start with. It’s entirely up to you.
My calendar tells you what to buy and when, and when to expect your paycheck.
How much those paychecks are is entirely up to you.
That flexibility and the ability to tailor the calendar to your own particular needs is one of the advantages my monthly dividend paycheck calendar gives you.
You saw from the example above, just 500 shares in each of those stocks — nets you an extra $3,235 over the next few weeks that you didn’t have before. It’s kind of like finding free money.
Then the cycle starts all over again so you’re getting paychecks every month with this system.
Remember, you’ll be set up to easily make an average of $4,275 for each month of 2025, 2026, and into 2027 and beyond. You can use this money to pay your bills, build up your retirement savings, or begin to live a life stress-free from worries about your income.
That’s how powerful this simple yet highly effective monthly dividend paycheck calendar can be. That’s how wealth creation begins. And it’s so easy for you to get started. Regular investors are using these stocks all the time to create their own income streams specific to their own needs.
For example there’s Jonathan D. He collected a modest $1,655 in November. And he’ll collect another $1,655 before this month is out then in January… every month unless he decides to add to his position, then he’ll bank even more money.
And Karen T., age 56, who graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in business economics and minor in accounting cum laude. She’s pretty bright. She’s regularly collecting $2,801 with just one of her stocks that’s part of the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar. The dividend has been raised several times - even during COVID - from 9.5 cents per share to today’s 55 cents. That’s the thing about many of the stocks that are part of this system: they regularly give you a raise, in addition to the consistent stream of passive income.
Then there’s Dominick B. of Houston, Texas owns 13,713 shares of one of our portfolio holdings that’s special to him. He collects the same amount every month afterward - $3,360 in extra cash… at least until they raise dividends again and he makes even more money without lifting a finger.
And David M. added more shares to his portfolio from one of our oldest stocks in the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar program. I call his type a “power income investor” because he’s using the system to generate extra cash hand over fist. From just the stock he recently got more of he’s bringing in an extra $6,781 every January, April, July, and October. And that’s just from one of his holdings.
These are real people earning real income from stocks in the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar.
Each uses the stocks differently according to his or her own needs.
Some buy a little of every stock so they get paid many times every month.
Others might buy only one or two, whatever works best for them.
The possibilities are truly endless and customizable to your unique situation.
First, I want to put your concerns at rest that you do not need any specialized education or training to use my system although I do offer that too.
You do not need to pay for and sit in on countless hours of seminars, webinars, conferences, home study courses or anything remotely like that.
You do not need the latest, greatest, fastest whiz-bang trading platform or software.
You do not need to already be wealthy to get started… quite the contrary actually since this is a wealth creation tool.
All you need is an email address and a brokerage account.
It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how much you can invest right now. Of course, the more you invest, the more you can make.
And your age or current income doesn’t matter either; the monthly calendar works just as well for young people just out of college as it does for retirees in their 80s and anyone in between. Doesn’t matter, it works the same.
You see it all starts with The Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar that comes with my dividend and income investment research advisory called The Dividend Hunter.
We started publishing knowing that frankly there are plenty of other dividend letters available to investors. I had one friend even tell me I was nuts for trying. I disagreed. We’re still friends.
But we launched this newsletter and our Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar income system because there are regular hardworking people looking for a steady income stream. Looking for something they can rely on. And we couldn’t have started too soon for some folks.
You see, contrary to what they try to tell us – the mainstream financial news, the government, the politicians – nothing’s changed for those of us looking for stable and steady income.
You and I both know it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be a dividend investor.
Think about this for a moment: up until the financial crisis the conventional wisdom for retirement money was to put the bulk of your money in bond funds and CDs and live off the interest. Made sense when CDs were paying 5, 6, even 7%. Nice way to fund your retirement.
But that’s not the world we live in today even with recent Fed rate hikes… and they’ve already started the process of lowering them again.
This is the second most common question I get from dividend investors through email and at speaking engagements.
I’ll share with you my response to that.
Today you’d be lucky to get much more than a 4% yield on a CD without having to tie up a tidy sum for a long time.
4%? Are they kidding us or just plain being rude?
Take your pick but either way that’s not even enough to cover inflation as we’ve experienced these past years, let alone let you “live off the interest” like so many of us were promised when we were younger.
And remember, that’s not going to change any time soon.
It’s only the last couple of years that we’ve seen the Fed finally raise rates for the first time since before the Great Recession and even then only modestly.
And you know what happened? The world didn’t end. Dividend stocks didn’t tank. In fact, markets have moved up since that first rate hike and they’ve continued an upward trajectory.
And note that recently they just cut rates again. Not exactly the direction savers need right now.
But they very well could raise them at every meeting for the next year and it’s not going to make one bit of difference for people like you and me. At least not for those of us who want passive income like we used to expect from CDs and bonds.
So the Fed raised rates a few times. Big deal. Are they looking for a pat on the back? Recently they lowered them just a bit… and then maybe they will raise them back up a bit. It’s just their way of trying to keep our economy from falling apart.
Post-COVID was the first series of serious rate raises in over two decades.
Why? Because just before COVID they couldn’t get inflation to go above 2% - to them inflation that's too low is considered a bad thing, to those of us who shop for our own groceries it’s a completely different matter.
After COVID the economy was awash in extra dollars printed as stimulus checks and inflation was cranking like we hadn’t seen since the Carter years.
And since then they’ve paused then raised then paused and then raised a little and played the “wait and see” game. And then maybe they’ll raise them another 0.25% or maybe their drop rates by 0.25%. Who knows?
Let me spell it out: that quarter of a percent is 0.0025. And what has your bank raised CDs to? Back to the 5, 6, 7% we enjoyed a little before the 2008 crash? The kind of return you could actually live off of.
No, the banks raised them to still below 4%. And only begrudgingly. Can you live on 4% interest in a world where the cost of everything continues to go up?
And this will go on for years… maybe a decade or more.
Despite all the cheerleading, the Fed is too scared to do anything other than incremental rate tweaks of 0.0025… and with “wait and see” pauses between each rate change.
Frankly, it’s hard to imagine a day when we ever get back to those decent yields on CDs that we could live off the interest.
We just have to face it: you’re never going to be able to go back to when you could park your money into CDs maturing in successive months (in banking terms this is called laddering) and take the cash out without so much as lifting a finger. I know that’s not what some people want to hear.
Sorry, but it’s the truth and I’m not the kind of guy to sugarcoat the truth. And the sooner we face up to the truth the sooner we can take action and do something about it… the sooner we can take control of our financial well-being.
And this is why the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar is more important than ever. This is why you’re going to want to get your copy today so you can be on the list by January 29th to collect your first paycheck. And it all starts when you start a risk-free trial subscription to The Dividend Hunter.
The Dividend Hunter is appropriate for nearly every type of investor, especially those looking for steady income. It doesn’t matter what your age is or how long you’ve been investing. It works for investors with all levels of investing experience, any portfolio size, and total net worth.
The first thing you can expect is an easy to use strategy that’s explained in plain English.
If I don’t write in language that you can understand and use to make yourself wealthy then I have failed. And I really dislike failure. So we’re going to keep it simple.
Second, you’ll receive your own copy of the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar.
And every month I’ll update it for you.
You’ll get it as soon as you sign up so you can get started right away. I want you to get started right away. The sooner you start the sooner you collect income. It’s really that simple.
In the calendar you’ll get the exact dates for when you need to be an owner of the stocks in the calendar and when you should expect your paychecks. It’s pretty clear cut yet extremely powerful in helping you build wealth quickly.
You see, I’ve completely removed all the guesswork, all of the uncertainty, and all of the possible errors that could happen.
Then every month I will send to you via email the latest issue of The Dividend Hunter. In it you’ll find research on one or two new recommendations to consider for your portfolio. They’ll be added to the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar along with the other stocks.
And every month you’ll get the latest update to the Monthly Dividend Calendar. I’ll tell you which stocks have been added, any that have been dropped, and any dates that have been updated. No more guessing, no more getting it wrong, no more hours upon hours hunting down information all over the Internet.
It’s entirely up to you if you want to add the new stocks or let your other holdings ride. I’ll tell you which stocks to own, when you need to be a shareholder, and when you should expect your paychecks. Everything else is up to you.
It’s completely flexible to meet your individual needs.
And you’ll receive access to the complete library of special reports and archived issues and all new ones that come out in the future.
Now before I tell you what else you get I want to answer that question that’s been in the back of your head: “how much is it?” Fair question, I’d ask it too.
Since you’re a new subscriber I’m offering our new member rate of just $49 for the first year. That’s all. That gets you everything to get started.
When you sign up right now you'll receive:
FREE Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar. Within seconds of signing up I’ll send you a special email. Hold onto it because while it looks like a typical “welcome” email it has a very special link to the monthly dividend paycheck calendar that’s only for subscribers of The Dividend Hunter. You can start poring through the calendar and setting up your own paycheck schedule right away.
12 monthly newsletter issues with updates on the portfolio holdings, new recommendations, and any strategy or position changes.
Complete instructions written in plain English on how to use the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar, the monthly newsletter, the bonus reports I’ll mention in a moment and everything you need to get started.
Start Out Portfolio so you’re not left wondering which stocks to start with. There are over 30 stocks in the current portfolio. Most people can’t just jump in on everything on day 1. That’s a bad idea anyhow. Instead, I’ve created a specially curated diversified list of just five stocks to buy to begin your wealth building journey. No confusion, no hours of research: five stocks so you can start right way.
Weekly Mailbag Video. Every Friday evening you’ll receive a special email from me with a link to the mailbag video. This is a video in which I answer questions that subscribers have submitted during the week. You can even send in your own questions and I’ll answer it. You’re not alone, we’re in this together. You'll hear from me every week.
Live customer service. Our customer service isn’t outsourced halfway around the world. We have live customer service right here in the United States during normal business hours to help you with any questions you might have about your subscription.
100% Money Back Promise. I want you to be happy with my research and my investment recommendations. I want you to be making more money than you ever thought possible because of the monthly dividend paycheck calendar. But if you find that for whatever reason it’s not for you, that’s okay too. I understand.
And that’s why we have our 365 day full 100% money back promise: you can enjoy the service for a full year and if you’re not completely satisfied then contact my office any time during that year to get your money back, all of it.
FREE BONUS #1: My #1 Energy ETF. This fund tracks a long position in the United States Oil Fund (USO) and the value of selling monthly call options with strike values at 6% out of the money. USO tracks the price of light sweet crude oil as priced by benchmark oil futures contracts. USO invests in listed oil futures contracts and other oil-related contracts. We get juiced returns and dividends from oil.
FREE BONUS #2: The 36-Month Accelerated Income Plan. This could be the most powerful investment guide ever developed to help retirement investors get back on track and make sure they have enough money to live without money worries.
FREE BONUS #3: The #1 “Buy, Hold, & Retire” Tech Stock. The best money-makers of the past two decades were tech companies. Google, Facebook, and Amazon stock holders could make astonishing 4-digit gains. But the BIGGEST wins were made by the guys who got in before these companies went public. But everyday Americans like you and I miss out… we never get the opportunity to put money in these kinds of companies that early. Until now… I’ve discovered a 100% legal “backdoor” to get in on the hottest tech companies that are usually off-limits to regular investors. And the best part? You get paid double-digit dividends and bonus dividends.
FREE BONUS #4: Dividend Hunter Preferred Shares. This is my comprehensive guide to making money from owning stable, reliable preferred shares. Preferred shares have a dividend preference over the common stock dividends. That means that as long as a company pays any dividend on its common shares, the preferred shares coupon rate dividends are secure. This guide walks you through everything you need to know about preferred shares.
FREE BONUS #5: The #1 Strategy That Turns $25K Into Income For Life. The $25,000 Income for Life investing strategy takes all my decades of investing experience and boils it down into a simple, repeatable, high-yield investing strategy. A strategy that you can use over and over again until you have multiple high-yield income streams that you can rely on for the rest of your life. And best of all, it works perfectly with the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar.
FREE UPGRADE #1: immediate and free access to my online tool for tracking and forecasting your dividends. It’s called Divcaster and when you sign up you’ll receive a free 60-day trial.
FREE UPGRADE #2: Regular training sessions and invitations to private conference calls where you can ask questions directly of management of our portfolio companies.
The lowest rate you’ll ever see The Dividend Hunter advertised for. Just $49 your first year and renewing at only $99 after that.
Now don’t put this off any longer. You’ll risk missing out on that extra $3,235.
Don’t set it aside to come back later. No offense, but you won’t. We’re all like that. You’re busy, you’ve got other things going on and soon you’ll forget. And you’ll miss out on the next payouts.
Just go ahead and click that “Add to Cart” button below to get started and start getting your checks.
P.S. I hope I didn’t come off as pushy, but there’s really no time to procrastinate. Sure, you could set this aside to read it later. But we all know how human nature can be… it’s too easy to get busy with other important things in life and by the time you know it you’ll have missed tonight’s midnight deadline.
So I urge you to give the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar a try today — right now — and get the lowest rate you’ll ever see for The Dividend Hunter. And with our 365 day full money back promise there is absolutely no risk in trying it. CLICK HERE to get started or use the “Add to Cart” button below.
P.P.S. Okay, so you now know how the calendar works, you know exactly what you’ll get with The Dividend Hunter, you know real life examples of the kinds of payouts real people are getting, and you know that you can start today with a 50% price break on the first year of your subscription: just $49.
What you don’t know is what people are saying about The Dividend Hunter, so I’ll share just a few of the emails I’ve received from thousands of readers.
My wife and I have been very pleased with your picks and they now make up a good portion of our assets.
— Jeff C., California
What a privilege to have access to your sage advice-I’m shaking my head in disbelief at how my dividend portfolio is performing. Thanks again.
— John O., New York
I’m very new to trading and appreciate your Dividend Hunter service. Being very nervous, and therefore using only a small investment, I’ve already profited, so thank you!
— Annette W., Tennessee
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your wonderful newsletter and dividend tips. I have subscribed to a lot of stock newsletters in the past and found them to be very hard to understand. Your information is easy to comprehend, short and to the point.
— Jerry C., Idaho
Thanks to your advice, we are now getting money that we were missing out on before. Our first month’s dividend checks will surpass $1,250! It would be a real understatement to say that my wife is now very excited about dividend investing. Thanks again for helping us to get better returns on our investments. You do a GREAT JOB!
— Pedro T.
And a recent comment that came in from one of my subscribers says it all to me:
I have tried several newsletters and yours is the only one I have stayed with.
— Vic B., Colorado
These are the kinds of notes I receive all the time and tell me that frankly, The Dividend Hunter is truly making a difference in the lives of real people… that we’re doing something good here.
Won’t you join Jeff, John, Annette, Jerry, Pedro, Vic, and thousands of others before so you can start building long-lasting wealth from high-yield dividend stocks?
Your first year of The Dividend Hunter is only $49, a 50% discount off the normal rate. That’s our new subscriber introductory rate. Your subscription will renew in one year at the standard rate of only $99. I would expect that the dividends you’ve made over the course of the year would cover the subscription cost many, many years into the future. Your satisfaction is assured. If you are dissatisfied with The Dividend Hunter just call or email within the year to receive a 100% refund of all your money. And you may cancel any time later and never be billed again. Now that you’ve taken time to read the fine print and see how good this truly is, let’s get started on your monthly dividend stream and build some wealth for you.
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Good Investing,
Tim Plaehn
Lead Income Analyst and Editor of The Dividend Hunter