Former Air Force Captain & Renowned Income Investor
Tim Plaehn Presents

These 2 Dividend Stocks

Pay You
Every Week!

After 31 years of investing in the markets, dividend stock expert 
Tim Plaehn just found the Holy Grail of dividend stocks...

Inside the Report You'll Discover:

Not One but TWO Dividend Payers that Deliver Cash Weekly to Your Account!

Cash you can use to enjoy life or re-invest to rapidly grow your income payouts.

They're Tied to Some of the Safest Investments About to Explode Higher

As these safe, dependable tech and pharma powerhouses continue their rise, capital gains could make your weekly payouts the icing on top.

A Hands-Off Way to Amass Wealth For Your Retirement

Weekly dividends mean cash piling up in your account FAST. Re-investing in more shares grows your wealth exponentially, without you lifting a finger.

Buy these stocks by this Monday to start collecting your new weekly dividend paychecks.

There are simply no other stocks that can be counted on to pay you 52 dividends per year and provide a safe, growing cash income stream in retirement.

These stocks should be at the core of your income portfolio. If you don't own them, buy them today. If you do own them, buy more. Hold them forever and leave them for your grandchildren.

Wade J, Powhatan, VA

"I am a satisfied customer of yours, having finally found an advisor who reflects my view on investing for income. I'm 66 so income is my primary goal but I want stable vehicles as well. I am using many of your recommendations and some tax free positions to fund my retirement. Thank you!"

Mel G, Las Cruces, NM

Since joining you in late 2016, we have done well with your recommendations... With this much extra income, life is good. (We are leaving on a 10 day Caribbean cruise today!)"

Alan L, Galveston, TX

Just a quick note to say the new breakdown by Conservative - Aggressive - Fixed Income is a HUGE benefit to my dividend investing. As a new subscriber, I am just getting started building out my Dividend Hunter portfolio, and this list will certainly help me create a mix of investment styles to balance my risk/reward desires. Thank you!

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More About The Dividend Hunter Tim Plaehn

Tim Plaehn is the Lead Analyst for income and dividend investing at Investors Alley, where he publishes The Dividend Hunter, Automatic Income Machine, and Weekly Income Accelerator newsletters.

Prior to joining Investors Alley, Tim was a stock broker, a Certified Financial Planner, and an F-16 fighter pilot with the United States Air Force. In addition to his primary duty of flying the F-16 to defend our nation’s skies, Tim was an instructor in the F-16 Flying Falcon and the OV-10 Bronco.

During his time in the service, Tim was stationed at various military locations including Osan AB, Korea, Patrick AFB, and Nellis AFB in Las Vegas. He graduated from the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in mathematics.

It was during the years when Tim was a Certified Financial Planner helping families and individuals plan their finances and make wise investment decisions that he found his second passion in life: investment research. Flying was and still is his first.

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To get instant access to Tim's report "Two Stocks Paying Dividends Every Week" free today along with the bonus research, enter your email address here:

As you'll discover in Tim's free report, his unusual background of being a mathematician, fighter pilot, and stock broker have all come together in a good way. They’ve helped Tim create a very special, very successful way of investing that is based around the concept of automatic income.

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